Friday, October 26, 2007

Still want to lose weight!

I haven’t posted anything for more than 2 weeks now! Well, I’ve had the best time those past few weeks, and I’ve been pretty happy with everything in my personal life, things were almost perfect.. and you know what, they still are, and I hope things stay this way for as long as humanly possible.

Now, about my weight loss program, well, there isn’t any! I’ve been doing what I want, eating what I want, but, my weight is not changing, so, I suppose that’s better than gaining!!

About a week ago, I went paintballing with my best friends, one of them is really gorgeous, and the other two are pretty, and we were joined by a group of marines, all of them were younger than us, about 18 yrs old till 21! And they kinda wanted to hang out with the pretty ones, and it showed.. so I felt kinda bad.. me with my extra weight and it was just bad and it still hurts..

So I suppose that made me hate myself a bit,, but I know that I still WANT to lose weight, and to be honest, I don’t know what am doing.. cuz I hate to exercise, and I don’t know what to eat!! :S

1 comment:

Sultana said...

Hello Luse_it,

Ive stumbled across your blog and have been reading your posts for a while, I feel that I wanted to help and give you some advice on loosing weight and my experiences with diet and excersize...I hope that I am not intruding in any personal space of yours by what i say, if i am please forgive me...

About the diet: Dont analyze your food intake! If you starve yourself only on crackers or fruit, you will NOT lose weight, your body will go into starvation mode and start saving more fat...You need to keep your food intake balanced.

1) Eat salads with cooked meats or protien on top.

2) Eat hydrating soups with your meals.

3)Choose chicken and meat without fat in it. Dont eat pre frozen processed meats!

4)If you feel hungry after a meal, eat cut fruits or veggies or drink a protien fruit shake.

5) Have oatmeal or eggs with spinach etc for keeps you full longer and gives you energy.

about exersize: You should go to the gym for 1 1/2 hours 4-5 times a week! Do a mix of cardio and weight training. Building muscles burns more fat than just running on a treadmill!

Do around 20 minutes of walking on the treadmill; 5 minutes walking, 1minute running, 5 minutes walking, 1 minute running, like that...others things to add to that are, the gym bicycles,rowing machine,the ski manchine, and all the weight machines...Exercise hard and keep your self motivated when it hurts and you want to give up, picture the way you want to look when your on that treadmill getting tired!

I guarantee if you follow this STRICTLY, within 3 months you would loose at least 10-15 kilos! I did....

Remember that there is NO quick fix to loosing weight, honestly! If you loose weight fast for any reason you will gain it back fast! I know people who have even had thier stomach sugically shortened and STILL they didnt loose weight because they did not change thier diet and exercise level...

Dont give up! You CAN reach your goal, but it takes sweat and tears my dear....You CAN do it!

Dont worry about people who dont give you attention just because your "bigger". Those people dont deserve your attention if they cant see past your size! What if you judged them based on thier brain size! My mother went to school with a "bigger" woman who was voted the most attractive girl in school because she was intelligent and CONFIDENT in herslef! She ended up marrying the most popular boy in high school because she was herself and confident in who she was and people find THAT the most attractive thing in a woman!

love,sultana :)